Saturday, August 15, 2009

What Now

Now that the Gentse Feesten 2009 are over, what's next?

Certainly there is a lot of review for next year and follow-up for this year. There is plenty to do. But this is not the only ministry endeavor of the year. Certainly big events and efforts are needed. But Jesus had a different strategy.

He did ministry and preached a little. What He did most was to pour Himself deeply into others. He sought to reproduce Himself, in essence, reproduce the Father in others. His strategy was to be a catalyst in changing the lives of individuals who could in turn be change agents in their world.

Not a bad strategy. So we sow seeds of the Gospel broadly and seek to gather people together to grow as disciples and worship God. But we seek also to invest in the only treasure that goes to Heaven, people.

Into whom are you pouring yourself deeply as Jesus did to His disciples. His model and strategy changed the world for generations. Much better than any other strategy I have seen or developed.

Friday, August 14, 2009


Things are always changing. For us flexible is too rigid. FLUID is the new word. Watch for things to come.